Thursday, December 27, 2012

prudenza cara

song: Dear Prudence
language: Italian
performer: Fabio KoRyu Calabrò 

Fabio KoRyu Calabrò is an Italian singer, multi-instrumentalist (specializing in ukulele), and Zen Buddhist monk who has recorded three entire Beatles albums in Italian: Albume Bianco (The White Album), Sergio Pepe e l'orchestrina cuori solitari (Sgt Pepper), and now Rivoltella (Revolver).

His approach to the music is very playful and impish - covering songs like Helter Skelter and Why Don't We Do it in the Road? with nothing but a ukulele requires not taking yourself too seriously, but he often takes the irreverence a step further (Helter Skelter comes out as Alka Seltzer).

But these covers are no joke. Calabrò is an accomplished uke player and many of the songs are simply stunning. Here's a live cover of Dear Prudence from an Italian ukulele festival, where he's joined by a couple guests. The playing starts at about 0:52.

If you can figure out the Italian, you can order his cds here (you can hear Blackbird and Back in the USSR in their entirety there as well). If not, you can check out his first two albums on iTunes.

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