Thursday, January 3, 2013

aquí, allá y donde sea

song: Here, There and Everywhere
language: Spanish
performers: Los Darts, Los Juniors, Los Tijuana Five

Three versions found on the intertubes, but I could only ID two. Los Darts formed in Venezuela in 1964 and are still together:

Los Juniors rocked around Mexico for most of the 60s:

And finally, this video, which has no info on its source by Mexican band Los Tijuana Five (h/t to commenter Odradek for the info):


  1. Hi: This last version is by a Mexican band called Los Tijuana Five from their album "Tijuana Five" released in 1967.
    By the way, such a great blog of yours!

  2. Thanks, for the info and for the compliment! I'll update the post.
